The practice Garrison Family Dentistry serves individuals and families, and is dedicated to preventive dentistry. We strive to make your office visit as pleasant as possible. The patient, the staff and the doctor are in partnership to insure your teeth stay healthy.
It is crucial to your dental health to come regularly for cleaning and check-up appointments. The hygienists will put you on the proper cleaning schedule, depending on your needs. Our hygienists will instruct you on proper brushing techniques and proper nutrition, and will advise you about any additional products available at local pharmacies that might be of help. You will receive a toothbrush and floss at each cleaning appointment, and be informed of any additional appointments that are required.
Drs. Garrison will draw-up a treatment plan, giving the patient the various options available to him or her, and the estimated cost. In certain instances we will refer the patient to a specialist if we feel the patient is better served by having an expert in a specific field treat them. These specialist could be periodontist (gum specialist), oral surgeons, endodontists (root canal), pedodontist (children's dentist) or prosthodontist..
Our office offers cleanings, x-rays (digital-that allow the lowest radiation exposure for patients), fluoride treatments, bleaching, restorations (both tooth colored and where indicated amalgam), crown and bridge, CEREC one-appointment crowns, partials and full dentures and simple surgical procedures. If a patient elects to have implants for missing teeth or to aid in the fit of a denture or partial, we work with area specialists that place the implants - the surgical portion of the treatment. After implant placement, our office can restore the implants with the appropriate final restoration.